Knitter’s Nest is all about community.

Never not knitting, Amanda Hasler founded the Powell River, B.C. yarn shop in August 2019. Whether working as a nurse throughout Canada or travelling in Central America, she always made time for creativity. Knitter’s Nest is truly a labour of love.
Above all, Amanda created the shop as a welcoming space for other equally fibre-obsessed folks to gather.
Most importantly, Amanda values ethically sourced, Canadian products. So expect to find plenty of hand-dyed yarns and customizable kits, and thoughtfully curated needles, stitch markers, crochet hooks, project bags and other supplies.
As an extension of Amanda’s commitment to fellowship and inclusivity, Knitter’s Nest offers a range of products for knitters, crocheters, weavers and other crafters.
Moreover, from 100 per cent wool to acrylic, Amanda curated a collection of yarns to suit all budgets. Whether you’re an experienced crafter, new to stitching or just curious, everyone’s welcome at Knitter’s Nest. Please stop by and say hello.
Classes: Come Stitch With Us!
During the pandemic, in-person classes are on hold. But as soon as it’s safe to do so, Knitter’s Nest will resume offering classes, and hosting knit nights and knit-alongs at the Townsite Public Market in Powell River, B.C.
In addition to our regular knit nights, we’ve offered a variety of classes. For example, sessions included a beginner’s knitting class, and how to spin yarn using a drop spindle.
Meanwhile, please follow us on Instagram or Facebook for updates. We look forward to seeing you when we’re able to offer these in-person workshops, classes and events again!
Private Shopping
As a result of the pandemic, we’re taking reservations for personal shopping sessions outside of regular opening hours.
So if you’re interested in some solo time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 4 to 8 p.m., please book a private shopping appointment at Knitter’s Nest today.
We’d love to reserve you a spot for a closed-store shopping experience. If you’d prefer to call, please contact us at 604-413-4116, or email us to arrange a time.